We have been comparing school with a"temple of learning"....from the very beginning of our school days.I do remember the very first day when i crossed the bluish grey gate...guarded by our sweat heart Chakraborty kaku....and entered my school...or rather" my temple-Meghmala Roy Education Centre"...yeah..although i now belong to one of the best schools of the city...and have spent almost two years in this...."strictly disciplined" and "highly renowned" institution,i do consider and proudly proclaim my alma mater to be MREC.Anyways back to track...it was the day of my prelim interview...some day in the month of november...in 1995 most probably....and...i was shown a number of miniature vegies made of clay and was asked to identify them....I hope you guys don't expect me to remember every bit of it...but yes i do remember....that i failed to identify the onion and was expecting a good round of scolding.....but even then Sr.Sandhya was in her all smiles mode..(P.S:Sr.Sandhya smiled even when the guys in our class adopted the path of intense violence..but as we all know...good fortune doesn't last for long...she was transferred to some other school in just 3 yrs....much before we the so called"good girls"opened up from our shells and started showing off rainbow colours within us)..but the most memorable stuff of that prelim thing was the packetful of mango bytes...kept on the table alongside...u wont believe guys...but the packet was really "HUGE"....i was waiting madly for the interview to end..and expected sister to to ask me to pick as many i want from that bag...but again...some utter sweet people can also hurt in certain simple circumstances....she just took out 1..yes just 1 out of the thousand billion candies and landed it on my right palm...my heart sank....but again in a moment i was amazed and confused at the same time on seeing the girl next to me cry like anything....i couldn't find any valid reason for crying in such a situation.....and finally consoled my mind by telling him(mind it guys....its a HE)..she must be craving to go to the wash room....for...u know...."the natural regular egestion of faecal matter" and stuff...but on a serious note..Puja Krishnan..or rather officially T/6903/038 me being T/6903/037 was a big deal of support for my boards..and yeah...i would like to take the opportunity to thank her now...I just met her a few months back...and must say...she has grown up to be a matured young lady.....hope she could help me in this too..and take me out of my kiddy zone!!!!